Excessive Weight Gain/Loss Unintentional weight gain or loss is a common warning sign of poor dietary habits. Unintentional weight loss appears to be a significant indicator of malnutrition, specifically in disease-related cases. Unintentional weight gain typically indicates that your diet is heavy on empty calories that are packing on pounds but providing little nutritional value to your body.
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Excessive Weight Gain/Loss
Sudden Headaches and lightheadedness Some of the possible signs that your body lacks water are headaches and lightheadedness. A drop in your body's hydration level might lead to a reduced amount of fluid surrounding your brain, which protects it from mild bumps and movement. Furthermore, dehydration decreases the flow of oxygen and blood to the brain.
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Sudden Headaches and lightheadedness
Sharp Pain in Your Side A typical runner's side stitch pales in comparison to this piercing stab, which intensifies over a few hours or days. If you feel as if you're being skewered in your right side and you're also nauseated and running a fever, you could have appendicitis. Another possibility is an ovarian cyst. Typically these fluid-filled sacs are harmless and disappear on their own. But if one twists or ruptures, it can cause terrible pam.
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Sharp Pain in Your Side
Throbbing Tooth It's likely that the tooth's nerve has become damaged, usually because the surrounding pearly white is cracked or rotting away. Unless you get it patched up quickly, bacteria in your mouth can infect the nerve.
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Throbbing Tooth
Fatigue If you notice you're perpetually tired, even after sleep, or that your brain isn't functioning as quickly as usual, it could be a signal for a more serious issue." Chronic fatigue can often signal a thyroid issue, a nutritional imbalance, or food intolerance, among other possibilities." Instead of relying on coffee to wake you up, it's time to go for check up.
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Constipation and other Digestive Issues Many people experience occasional irregularity, but the generally accepted definition of constipation is having fewer than three bowel movements per week, difficulty having a bowel movement, or both. Fluid loss and fluid restriction increase constipation. Lack of water in the body can even cause heartburn and indigestion. This could be a sign of chronic idiopathic constipation (CIC) or irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).
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Constipation and other Digestive
Bowel changes Bowel habit changes or bowel movement changes, which can be constipation or diarrhea - again, colon cancer can present just by constipation, especially if it is there for three or four weeks, it should be looked at.
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Bowel changes
Changes in handwriting or even ability to smell Parkinsons disease can present like that. Or if you have a problem with driving or changing gear or tremor shaking, of course Or if you start to have a problem with smelling." It could be an early symptom of Parkinsons disease.
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Changes in handwriting or even ability
                to smell
Random outbursts of anger or Irritability Depression, we know the early symptoms tiredness, sleep problems or crying easily. You know random outbursts of anger could be one of them (symptoms) and especially men.
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Random outbursts of anger or Irritability
Forgetting names That is one thing we blame on age, but that should be looked at because it could be a symptom of hyperthyroidism or low levels of thyroid hormones which could lead to brain fog they call it. If it is happening for several weeks, it should be checked." It is just a simple blood work to check a thyroid level and it can be treated with medication.
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Forgetting names